REPOST: Street Painting Festival

Click Here to visit the website for the 18th Annual Street Painting Festival to be held on February 25th and 26th right here in our own Downtown Lake Worth. 

Click Here to fill out the Volunteer Application. SPF needs our help on Friday with set up and on Saturday and Sunday during the Festival. Some of the many things that go into putting on the Festival that Volunteers make possible are:

  • Setting Up and Taking Down
  • Distributing Chalk to Artists
  • The Bistro Area in the Cultural Plaza
  • Selling T-Shirts
  • Artists Oasis
  • Monitor Crowds
  • Children's Meadow
  • Volunteer Check In
  • Trolley Shuttle (This is really fun. Ride the Shuttle from the Tri Rail Station with visitors to LW and point out some of the great things about our City they are about to experience. Script Provided but enthusiastic ad-libbing is encouraged)
  • And new this year - Survey Takers

Volunteer shifts are generally for four hours but if you can be flexible, SPF will be flexible too. Volunteers receive a special T-Shirt and everything you need to help out in whatever area you're assigned to. You have to fill out the form and sign the waiver but that's it. It's fun. It's a great way to participate in this fabulous event. And Street Painting needs You to make it happen.

Call the Chamber at 582-4401 or print out the application from the link above, fill it out and fax it (561- 547-8300) or just take it to the Chamber next time you're downtown.


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