It shouldn't be this hard to paint the beach

Whenever things go awry in Lake Worth, and maybe anywhere else too, one of the reasons most often sited is the changing of the guard. That was then and this is now and ne'er the twain shall meet under an umbrella of accountability. The beach project, under discussion again tonight, is the quintessential example.

How much time will be taken up with the "I wasn't here" or the "I told you so's." How many charges and counter charges of sabotage, delay and ineptitude will fly around the room only to land us back where we started. How much effort will go into defending prior positions and back-pedaling on unfulfilled promises. 

I'm sick to death of parades being led from behind; pushing old agendas rather than pulling the pieces, however fragmented, together into a project that can be salvaged. Telling the truth would be a nice place to start. The gig is up anyway. Pretending that all's well, when it clearly is not, is an insult added to the injury we've all suffered by being the laughing stock of Palm Beach County over the ridiculous way this $5,000,000 parking lot with benefits has been mishandled. 

NOWHERE in any of the forty-six pages of back-up material for this Really Really Really Maximum Guaranteed Price is there any mention of the Greater Bay lawsuit or how much we've spent to defend it so far, or how much we're thinking of offering as a settlement to make it finally go away. The Greater Bay lawsuit is the one and only thing about any of this that permeates the membrane between the Casino Re-Something Project and the Beach Re-Development Project. 

When is that little bomb supposed to drop? What part of what budget will be scaled back to pay for cleaning up that mess? I could reach into the open can of worms labeled the electric and water beach infrastructure and stir that up again, but what's the point? Those fat, juicy, little wrigglies will be out and about soon enough.

So the guard changes. The excuses don't. All we wanted was a nice cleaned up beach, some convenient parking and maybe a nifty sail shade or two. We liked the old loop road for surfside drive-bys and we really kinda were looking forward to a big old fashioned clock tower. That's it. How did we end up on the short side of the ledger again? How much are we going to have to pay so everyone in charge has plausible deniability? What is it going to cost us to keep promises we didn't make? Sigh.


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