Hello, You've reached Lake Worth City Hall, How may I help you today?

I'm very happy to report that my application to serve as a City volunteer has been accepted. My position is Clerical Aide and I'll be helping out mainly in the City Clerk's office and sometimes at the Information Desk filling in during Staff lunch time. What I'm particularly thrilled about is I will be allowed to update the Agendas  with the results so that people don't have to wait for the Minutes to be approved and posted online and won't have to listen through hours of audio tape to hear what happened. I'll be at City Hall on Mondays from 10am - 2pm. Tuesdays and Thursdays from 1-5pm and on Wednesdays for as long as it takes to update the Agenda with results.

This all started because I really liked the way Delray Beach updates their agendas the day after a meeting and I proposed a similar update to the City. It seems we used to do it, but cutbacks in personnel put an end to that service. So I volunteered to help out in any way I could so that we could have that service again and Lo and Behold! Here's a link to an example of what an updated agenda looks like. No details like in approved minutes- just what was approved, or not, by how many votes, what got reordered and where on the agenda and like that. I don't know yet where on the City's website the updated Agenda Results will be posted, but I'll find out!

What I didn't know when I started this process is that to volunteer, you have to apply in the Human Resources offices downstairs in City Hall, right next door to the Clerk's office. I thought just volunteering in person or saying I want to volunteer at a Commission meeting was enough. Who Knew? Anyway, it was easy and pretty fast for gov't work. I made the application on January 31st and I start on February 14th.

My job description is:
  • Support the Information Desk during lunch breaks
  • Copy agenda packets for Commission meetings
  • Prepare Commission Chambers and conference room for meetings
  • Support the main telephone line to City Hall
  • Update agenda with results.
  • And whatever else Pam Lopez asks me to do.
I know I'm fortunate to have a supportive Hero and the free time that allows me to volunteer. I know there is ample opportunity for other hugely more qualified people to lend their expertise and experience at City Hall, even if it's only for a few hours a month. In any case, I'm excited about the chance to help my City.


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