Gee, This looks familiar. Have we been here before?

How can we be sure we're moving forward if our leaders don't care where we are or how we got here? Last night the Commission unanimously approved the new and improved Guaranteed Maximum Price for the Beach Re-development Project. 


. . . and Yes, I said unanimously. Oh, there were lots of lips paying lots of service to the sorry state of affairs in which they found themselves staring down the barrel of another drop-deadline, and several even went so far as to inquire if the deadline was, you know, actually real or arbitrarily set to force their hand. Not wishing to climb out any further on that shaky limb, the Commission chose to heed the dire warnings of the in-house Project Manager, Kathleen Margoles and approved the 34% increase that guess who is going to have to pay over and above the $5,000,000 County bond money. 

Who? Why the City of course, and by "the City", they mean us. The Commission will simply reach a little deeper into the Costco size mayonnaise jar where they keep the cash portfolio and pull out another $1,712,591 for Morganti to "manage and construct" the parking lot that no more than 50 Lake Worth beach decal holders at a time can use to park as far away from the beach as possible. 

But so what? Six hundred and thirteen happy County residents will be able to park nice and close and I'm sure they'll be grateful to Lake Worth taxpayers for making sure that where THEY park will be nicely lit when they trudge their little sandy, sunburned bodies back to their cars at 1:00 AM after a full day of frolicking. If the Commission wants ALL of the parking lot lit, someday, that's gonna mean another little dip into the mayonnaise jar.

I guess those County residents could have bought a little sunscreen at Fox Surf Shop to make it less painful to sit their sandy sunburned bottoms in their conveniently parked and well lit cars as they head on home after a day at Lake Worth Beach, but What Ho? There may be no Fox Surf Shop at the Beach because now they are balking at the terms of the lease they negotiated on the fly at one of those other Special Commission Meetings with a drop-deadline. 

Those sly little Foxes! How fast they learned that all ya gotta do to get a better deal is back the Commission in a corner with veiled threats to delay the campaign photo-op grand opening of the Beach and Casino and the Project Manager will turn heaven and earth upside down to find a way to accommodate your demands because otherwise, she might have to tell somebody, you know, like the Commission, that you're ready to back out.

I know, this all seems like inside stuff and if you weren't there, or weren't listening last night, you probably don't know what I'm talking about. You can listen to the audio recording later today or tomorrow if you like. Doesn't matter. It's all probably going to change again anyway.  Nothing that happens before - ever matters. All that matters is moving forward.

In the words of Kathleen Margoles, "Good fer you" Commissioners. You moved us forward.


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