Once More on the Redistricting Plan and Tonight's Commission Meeting

If you've been reading the Panda Papers lately, you're aware of the Proposed Redistricting Plan for the Florida House of Representatives and what a disadvantage it poses for the City of Lake Worth for the next ten years. This plan is NOT on tonight's agenda. If this is your first visit here, please read on down through the next four posts. Go Ahead. I'll Wait.

OK, Here's the form you can fill out if you want to send your comments to the House Committee. These will be forwarded with the plan when it goes to the State Court. You can find this form by CLICKING HERE. You can print it out and mail it to the address at the top of the form or email it right from that site.

I've rec'd a lot of private emails and phone calls about this, and I'm glad so many people have responded with such interest. I haven't heard back from any of the Commissioners I sent information and the proposed proclamation to, but that doesn't mean they aren't aware and won't respond in some way on behalf of the City. 

Here's a thought. When it's so hard to get four of our own non-partisan City Commissioners to agree on much of anything that's in the best interest of Lake Worth, How in the world will we ever get a fair shake in Tallahassee with four DIFFERENT State Representatives who ARE extremely Partisan, who don't live here, and who will pay much more attention to the needs of the OTHER cities in their districts where MOST of their constituents live?

I'm going to try one more time in the two minutes I'll have during Public Participation at tonight's meeting. Here's a link to the Cliff Notes abridged version of tonight's agenda  The Tolstoy version is "only" 336 pages, but for some reason, it takes a ridiculously long time to load. Here's the really quick and dirty version of tonight's agenda:

  • A Proclamation declaring LGBT 12-Step Recovery week in LW. 
  • Update from the Genesis Neighborhood Assn.
  • Update from the Historic Resources Preservation Board
  • Community Policing report

On Consent: A $500 donation to the March Magic and Dance event

Public Hearings: None

Unfinished Business: None

New Business:
  • Fitness equipment for a new park in Tropical Ridge
  • Selecting a pool of candidates for the Interim City Manager position
  • Cutting the budget to fund the "Sustainability" Manager position
  • Adopting a Resolution to limit the length of Commission Meetings
  • Ethics training for Advisory Board members
  • Advisory Boards' structure, goals and "validities" 

6pm City Hall or listen live online Right Here.


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