It's Always Something

Hey Panda Fans,

Gonna have to cut back on the Panda posts for a while. The Hero went to JFK last night (Thank You PBC/FR) because the hip replacement he had ten years ago popped out again for the third time in the last year. The ER team couldn't pop it back in and the orthopedic specialist says he needs a new one. That's scheduled for Wednesday or Thursday this coming week. 

He's resting comfortably (and How!) and I'm busy making sure the nursing staff is well fed and well chocolated! My Hero is one of those strong silent types who doesn't like to bother anybody when he's in pain, so we're counting on Kilwin's, TooJays and Publix sushi to keep a steady stream of health care professionals visiting his room. 

Seriously, the folks at JFK know a thing or three about Customer Satisfaction and they have been wonderful. I'm not medically inclined, or even curious in any way and I don't require lots of graphic explanations that would only make me worry more, so I'm grateful for their professionalism and especially for their kindness to my Hero. Is there anything more lonely than being in a hospital?

So, with everything else going on this coming week (my new gig at City Hall) and getting ready for Street Painting, I'll be limiting my Panda posting to every other day or so. Not to mention Connery is positively lost without his Master, so there's that! The Hero is far more generous with treats and walks and much less demanding with the good dog behavior stuff than I am.

Dolly, our Siamese, barely recognizes that anyone else even lives here, so she's taking all this just fine!  Take Care and I'll see ya around!


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