Pocket God Episode 44 walkthrough

Pocket God Episode 44 walkthrough.Pocket God Episode 44 The Perfect Swarm is a cartoon fantasy game for the iphone (ipod touch and ipad) from Bolt Creative. Apparently, the blocked door in the temple's chamber of time has been opened leading  to the frightening Loscut room where an enormously disgusting queen can produce a swarm of locusts. Create the swarm and experiment to see what they can do to unsuspecting pygmies.

Indeed the countdown to doom gets a whole lot grosser with installment. Find all of the locust interactions to earn the Locust God idol for battle of the gods. Meanwhile, if you are here searching for a guide of some sort to specific episodes, check this Pocket God walkthrough I am collecting which deal with the challenges.

Here are some of the Challenges in episode 44:
Enter the chamber of locusts - And behind door number two
Poke Locust Queen in the belly - Do you have the stomach for it?
Serve Pygmy Snack to Locus Queen - Snack time!
Locust Queen swallows Pygmy - Eater's Digest
Locust Queen gives birth to swarm - The miracle of life!
Large swarm panics pygmies - its getting crowded (need to eat two pygmies and make separate swarms to go over max to work)
Spawn maximum locusts - the more, the merrier!
Create locust cluster - gather round
Drag a line of locusts
Turn Pygmy into Mutant Locust - metamorphosis
Mutant Locust files off screen- Fly! Be free!
squash mutant Pygmy like a bug -
Make Pygmy locust food - flesh it out
Fill Pygmy with locusts - pygmies need protein too
Pop Pygmy like a balloon - set them free!
Have locusts pick Pygmy up.- riders of the storm
Have locusts toss Pygmy - play catch
Locusts catch tossed Pygmy -
Slice Pygmy with locusts like sashimi - fruit ninja!
Locusts drop Pygmy
Push locusts off screen - go away!
Locusts drop Pygmy from boredom - you stopped playing with us
Locust get bored and leave - attention deficit disorder

Meanwhile, here is a good Pocket God Episode 44 walkthrough the perfect swarm for the ipod, iphone and ipad.


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