Pocket God Episode 44 walkthrough

Indeed the countdown to doom gets a whole lot grosser with installment. Find all of the locust interactions to earn the Locust God idol for battle of the gods. Meanwhile, if you are here searching for a guide of some sort to specific episodes, check this Pocket God walkthrough I am collecting which deal with the challenges.
Here are some of the Challenges in episode 44:
Enter the chamber of locusts - And behind door number two
Poke Locust Queen in the belly - Do you have the stomach for it?
Serve Pygmy Snack to Locus Queen - Snack time!
Locust Queen swallows Pygmy - Eater's Digest
Locust Queen gives birth to swarm - The miracle of life!
Large swarm panics pygmies - its getting crowded (need to eat two pygmies and make separate swarms to go over max to work)
Spawn maximum locusts - the more, the merrier!
Create locust cluster - gather round
Drag a line of locusts
Turn Pygmy into Mutant Locust - metamorphosis
Mutant Locust files off screen- Fly! Be free!
squash mutant Pygmy like a bug -
Make Pygmy locust food - flesh it out
Fill Pygmy with locusts - pygmies need protein too
Pop Pygmy like a balloon - set them free!
Have locusts pick Pygmy up.- riders of the storm
Have locusts toss Pygmy - play catch
Locusts catch tossed Pygmy -
Slice Pygmy with locusts like sashimi - fruit ninja!
Locusts drop Pygmy
Push locusts off screen - go away!
Locusts drop Pygmy from boredom - you stopped playing with us
Locust get bored and leave - attention deficit disorder
Meanwhile, here is a good Pocket God Episode 44 walkthrough the perfect swarm for the ipod, iphone and ipad.
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