City Commission Action Agendas

If you've ever wondered what happened at a recent Commission meeting and you're not inclined to listen through the audio tapes the next day, or you don't want to wait several weeks for the official minutes to be posted on the City website, you now have a new option. Starting today, there's a new link on the City website called City Commission Action Agendas. They look just like regular Agendas except there are notations in red following each item telling you what happened, who made and seconded a motion and how the Commission voted. 

The first Action Agenda is for the February 7th Regular Commission meeting. By Monday or Tuesday, all the Action Agendas starting with the first meeting in 2012 will be posted. Thereafter, the Action Agendas should be up by the afternoon following a Regular Commission Meeting, or a Special Meeting. Since Workshops are not meetings where any official action can be taken, there are no Action Agendas for those.

These were not designed to replace official minutes. These were just designed to share the basics, what was voted on, how Commissioners voted, and any Consensus that was achieved on items not voted on. Public Participation and Commission comments as well as Public comments on items up for a vote are not included in these Action Agendas. For that you'll either have to wait for the official minutes or listen to the audio. 

The idea came from Brian Smith who passed along the Delray Beach Agenda Results and wondered if LW could do something similar. It was a great idea Brian and isn't it wonderful how quickly IT got the link up and running.

To find Action Agendas, go to City Government > City Commission > City Commission Agendas > City Commission Action Agendas. Here's a link.


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