Commission Meeting Cancellations

A Special Commission Meeting scheduled for tomorrow, Thursday, February 23rd at 6 PM, to take action on the Casino Guaranteed Maximum Price has been cancelled. UPDATE: According to an email sent by William Waters to "Board Members", this meeting is now scheduled for Tuesday, February 28th at 6 PM. The new meeting has also been listed on the Meetings and Events Calendar on the City website. No agenda or back-up is currently available on the website. 

Also a Budget WorkShop scheduled for Tuesday, February 28th at 6 PM to establish the Commission's goals and visions for Fiscal Year 2012-2013 has been cancelled.

Two Special Meetings scheduled for March 1st are still on. One at 3:30 PM behind closed doors to discuss the cost of the pending suit, City of Lake Worth vs. The Firefighters Pension Board trustees and another Special meeting at 6:30 PM the same day to to short list the applicants for the position of City Manager. That is not a closed door meeting, the public is allowed to attend and the Commission may vote if they wish.


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