City Webpage of the Week, V.I.P. Program

Turns out the City Volunteer Program has a name: Volunteers in Position or VIP. Click Here  for the page under City Departments, Human Resources.  Here's a link to the application. The phone number for Human Resources is 586-1658. Lavonda or any of the nice people who work there will be happy to speak with you about volunteering whatever time you can spare for whatever department you're most interested in.

We used to have the Lake Worth Municipal Institute. Once a year the City sponsored a program with eight weeks of classes focused on a different City Dept. every week. It was great! Those who attended learned all about each and every department and there was even a special class one week about the CRA. When I took the classes, I had only been in Lake Worth a few years and it was truly a revelation for me to learn how all the departments operated. 

The LWMI was held for three years from 2004 through 2006, and some 70 citizens participated. Click Here for a page on the city website about the LWMI. There's nothing I can find on the city website now about the LWMI. This archived page came up when I did a search. Anyway, this VIP volunteer program is sort of a Do It Yourself version of the same thing, with the added benefit of actually helping out.

I have to say, there was one consideration about applying to volunteer that gave me pause. So many city employees were laid off and while I have no illusions that anything I can do to help is comparable in any way to the jobs they were doing, it does make me sad all over again that we have come to the place where citizen volunteers are needed to fill in the void created by their absence. 

Speaking of volunteers, there are a lot of great opportunities coming up soon to serve our Community. I'll have a special post on some of those ready soon.


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