Where Will Jeff Run Now?

Now that Lake Worth has been sliced and diced into political irrelevance, what district will Jeff seek to occupy on our behalf in Tallahassee? The east or west side of his former stomping grounds - College Park - now that it's been split right down the middle? The east side or west side of the City in which he was formerly honored to be Hizzoner? Will he dare to run for the now Republican rich District 89 with ocean side slivers of constituents from here to Boca? After all, Representative Clemens' district office on Lake Avenue isn't located in the newly approved District 89. But never mind, leases can be compromised; Party loyalty, not so much.

Or will he seek the politically correct and totally bogus Democratic  laden District 88 that slices through the center of Lake Worth on up to the voter rich haven of Riviera Beach? Oh Well. It's just for the next ten years. And it's not like Representative Clemens VOTED to give the Republicans in Tallahassee what they really wanted in the name of what the Democrats in Tallahassee SAY they wanted. So:

For NOT ONCE raising your voice on behalf of the residents of Lake Worth and allowing partisan loyalty to take precedence over the good of our little City. For allowing partisan loyalty to shape this debate and these districts into little puzzle pieces that represent NO ONE's interest except those who are supposed to be representing ours. Where was the vocal outrage that Lake Worth was being sacrificed on the altar of political posturing for power to control the $70 Billion State budget. But never mind. It's only for the next ten years.

And there's still hope that the Senate maps will be redrawn to honor and respect the cities where, you know, actual people live! Maybe Jeff will choose to run right out of the Florida House of Representatives altogether and race for one of the new Florida Senate seats instead.

Here's the map for the new Senate Districts in Lake Worth that the Florida Legislature passed, but the Supremes in Tallahassee rejected. Why is it OK to divide Lake Worth into 4 pieces for the Florida House but not 3 pieces for the Florida Senate?


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